At the National Scenic Landmark “To Clan Manor Ruins and Garden” you can view videos, illustrations, and text, and listen to sound explaining the stories about the scenery and objects by using “The AR Guide app”, on your smartphone. In the garden, there are 20 icons (AR markers) where you can access this location's hidden stories. What kinds of stories will jump out at you...? Take a trip through the world of "Kokin denju" and this area's history, walking around with your smartphone in your hand.

*You can download the "Tō Clan Manor Ruins and Garden AR Guide App“ app from here.

『東氏館跡庭園』入り口案内板のQRコードを読み取り、お使いの端末にあわせて「App Store」または「Google Play」から専用アプリをダウンロードしてください。
Scan the QR code on the information board at the entrance to "Tō Clan Manor Ruins and Garden," and download the app that from either the "App Store" or "Google Play". A Free Wi-Fi network is available.

After downloading it, the "Tō Clan Manor Ruins and Garden”AR Guide App will launch automatically.

Click on "AR camera" on the home screen to go into AR camera mode.

In AR camera mode, point your smartphone in the direction of the icons (AR markers) set up in the garden, from about 1 meter distance.

Videos, illustrations, and text will be displayed on the screen, and you can hear the narrations by clicking the sound button.

ARカメラをオフにするとホーム画面に戻ります。次のアイコンを見つけたら③から繰り返していただくか、ARカメラモードの状態で園内散策をお楽しみください。(Free Wi-Fiを利用できます。)
Turning off the AR camera will return you to the home screen. When you find the next icon, either repeat from step ③, or enjoy walking through the garden with the AR camera mode activated.
*If you cannot download the app, you can still enjoy the stories by scanning the QR codes at each of the icons (AR markers) located in the garden.

The Tō Clan Manor Ruins and Garden is encompassed by abundant nature and tranquility. The remnants of samurai residences from the Middle Ages, along with various trees used as themes in waka, create an elegant peaceful atmosphere.

Those who cannot use the AR application
can use the QR code.
can use the QR code.

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